Monday, December 22, 2014

My Go To Look Lately + Tutorial!

Hello beautifuls! It's time to get back into my Eye & Makeup of the Day ... I seriously have missed doing it, but lately with classes ending, working a ton of hours, the holidays an life being a roller coaster I've been doing quick and simple looks to get me ready and out of the house! This means...

Review! L.A. Colors Chunky Lip Pencils + Swatches!

Wow... it's definitely been a loooooooong time since I've done a review through a blog posting or a video. I felt like I've been stressing myself out to keep up with Blogmas (which I haven't been keeping up with well due to working a lot) that I feel like I needed to do a regular post for you...

Blogmas 2014 Day 22: Stocking Stuffer Ideas

Blogmas 2014 Day 22: Stocking Stuffer Ideas! Blogmas 2014 List Wow... the days are counting down fast. I already posted a Stocking Stuffer guide for my Holiday 2014 Gift Guide which you can check out HERE if you'd like. But! I thought I'd throw in even more stocking stuffer ideas!...

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Blogmas 2014 Day 17: Christmas Countdown

Blogmas 2014 Day 16: Christmas Countdown Blogmas 2014 List Hello again beautifuls! So, counting down for Christmas when I was younger was marking off the days on the calendar as it got closer to Christmas, or I was just so busy with school everyday the day just came! A few years ago, we found...

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Holiday 2014 Gift Guide: Stocking Stuffers!

Hello beautifuls! Christmas will be here for you know it! Ever since I was little, one of the best things about Christmas morning was going through my stocking. I always loved the little gifts I got in my stocking, and I still do today. So, whether you have a mother, a sister, a friend, or a loved...

Blogmas 2014 Day 16: Gift Guide (Her)

Blogmas 2014 Day 16: Gift Guide (Her) Blogmas 2014 List I'm so sorry I haven't been blogging on my Blogmas this year. I just started working a new job and I've been working like crazy! Today is a gift guide for her; mothers, wives, girlfriends, sisters, or any girl you want to get something...

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Blogmas 2014 Day 10: Handmade Christmas Decorations

Blogmas 2014 Day 10: Handmade Christmas Decorations! Blogmas 2014 List So, over the years growing up, me and my family have accumulated a lot of different and unique Christmas decorations, especially ornaments. We have a lot of the handmade decorations me and my brothers made when we were...

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Blogmas 2014 Day 9: Christmas Wishlist

Blogmas 2014 Day 9: Christmas Wishlist! Blogmas 2014 List So, the last few weeks to a month, I've been busy with school, and I mean busy. I've had tests and papers flying left and right. I was sick with some weird stomach virus for almost three weeks where I could barely eat anything (thankfully,...

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Blogmas 2014 Day 6: What makes you most excited for Christmas?

Blogmas 2014 Day 6: What makes you most excited for Christmas? Blogmas 2014 List I've never been asked this question before... so I decided to throw in my Blogmas 2014 list this year! I always like hearing about others reasons why they celebrate Christmas, what they think it's truly all about,...

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Blogmas 2014 Day 4: Christmas Movies

Blogmas 2014 Day 4: Christmas Movies! Blogmas 2014 List Yay, Christmas movies! I absolutely loooove when they come on the television and Netflix around this time of year! I enjoy just about all Christmas related movies, but of course, listing all of them would make this post a year long,...