Sunday, October 26, 2014

I was nominated for The Liebster Award!

Hi beautifuls! I was nominated this morning for the Liebster Award by TimeWithYana :) I had no idea what this award was and I've seen it floating around twitter and blogspot a few times. According to TimeWithYana, she says it's more of a way for bloggers to connect, support, and discover each other, instead of rating each other on a "who's better and who's not" basis. I've never won a award for my blog before and I've only been blogging a little over a month (it's been a fun first month, too!)

Thank the blogger you nominated you
Answer the 11 questions that were sent to you
Nominate 11 blogs with less than 200 followers
Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer

Yana's Question With Answers!
1. What is your favorite quote and why? "Get as rude as possible and don't let anyone tell you how to live." by Mick Mars of Motley Crue. Without this quote, I wouldn't be who I am today, I wouldn't have the personality I have today and I wouldn't be as strong as I am today. Never let anyone push you around or put you down for what you believe, love doing, or for who you are.

2. Blush, lipstick, eyeshadow? Eyeshadow! I'm an eyeshadow junkie; palette, single, duo, trio, you name it! I named my blog after my eyeshadow obsession.

3. Where do you find inspiration? My favorite music artists; Nikki Sixx (he is also a photographer and helped me alot in expressing myself through makeup and art), Kelly Eden, her paintings help inspire me to keep creating new looks! A lot of favorite bloggers and youtubers have made an impact on my inspiration.

4. What is the best thing about blogging? Photos! I loooove photos. I've been around cameras and photography the majority of my life and I highly rely on art and photographs to help me see the other side of the world. In makeup photos, it helps me decide if I want to buy that product, do I want to go out and swatch it

5. What pair of shoes could you wear for the rest of your life? My blow flats I from Target a few years ago. They are old, haha. Still in good condition, though! I buy new pairs of flats often and I still end of going back to the ones I got from Target...

6. One thing you are the most obsessed with? Horror, gory and slasher movies. That is all.

7. What is your dream place to visit? France! I took French for three years in high school and still haven't gone to that country and seen Versailles! Come on, who doesn't want to see the hall of mirrors and painting in that place?

8. Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr? Instagram, because I post photos on my Instagram constantly! And it's a fun app to use!

9. What annoys you about blogging? Being completely honest here, the annoyance of waiting for people to follow, subscribe, like and comment. Even though I just started blogging and making videos on youtube (which is probably every other 10,000 girls out there too), sometimes it's hard to not want to quit because of this, but then someone comments or follows me on Twitter or Bloglovin' and I get all excited. Despite the blogs I come across with tons of followers and comments, I still blog. I love blogging, it helps me express how I truly feel about makeup and I'm going to continue with it!

10. Do you like shopping? Of course! .... when I have money, haha.

11. What is your favorite brand? Clinique! That have been in my life the longest, since early teenage years! This brand has and always will help, heal, and save my skin. I trust their products on my skin and face because they've done nothing wrong to it! 

I nominate:

My questions for you...
1. Why did you start blogging?
2. If you could only have one type of makeup item, what would it be?
3. What beauty item are you currently loving at the moment?
4. What types of movies do you like?
5. Sephora or Ulta?
6. What do you dislike about blogging?
7. What is currently on the top of your makeup wishlist?
8. What do you store your makeup goodies in?
9. Favorite brand of brushes?
10. What is your favorite drugstore brand of makeup?
11. Do you have any pets?

Looking forward to reading your answers!


  1. Thank you for my nomination!
    I've only just done one of these so I will be giving it a miss (hope you don't mind)

    Really appreciate it though :)

    Francesca xo |

  2. Aww thanks for nominating me! I've done the Liebster Award already but I wouldn't mind doing it again :)

  3. @effstarbeauty, Totally ok! You're welcome!

    @Faitha C, I nominated two people that got awards? Eeee! Oh well :) you can do it again if you want. You all have great blogs and deserve some exposure! <3
