Thursday, September 10, 2015

Updates & Where I've Been!

Hello beautifuls!

It has been such a long time since I last posted here on my beauty blog or filmed a new video but, today that stops. I wanted to make a quick update for you, letting you know where I've been.

Eyeshadow Couture's 1 Year Anniversary:
Yes, unbelievably, my blog, Eyeshadow Couture has been around for one year. I started last year in late August and I really can't believe I've been at this for a year, despite being MIA a few too many times, but this is exciting. This is motivation for me to get back in my blogging game. Thank you to all of you who read my posts, like them, share them, etc.

School, Work, & Life:
The summer semester of school ended and I'm deciding to most likely switch schools for my veterinary technology degree. The school I'm currently in is a hike (100 miles a day & $100 a week for gas) and chewing up my paychecks. So my plan is to finish my AA degree at my current college (I need one more class, which I'll take next semester) and transfer my veterinary credits to a different school (campus or online). Either way, I'm going to finish what I started and get both my degrees!

Early this year in January, after horrible, getting seriously sick, almost passing out at work a few times, and agonizing symptoms to the point I was in pain and discomfort and couldn't focus on anything (I felt like my body was falling apart)... I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. I'm currently on medication which I'll have to take for the rest of my life, and still suffer from symptoms of the disease and I'm currently being tested for thyroid antibodies to confirm I have the autoimmune disease "Hashimoto's Disease" (where your antibodies are attacking your thyroid gland, thinking it's an invader to the body).

This whole experience, being diagnosed, changed me physically, emotionally, mentally, and how I live and feel day to day. During the first month or so, I would be so drained, it would take me forever to get up out of bed, get myself going and keep myself going throughout the day without burning out, losing my breath, getting terrible headaches, and feeling completely drained. It was so horrible, it affected my life, school, work, youtube videos and blogging. I'd go on and on about this, but it kinda breaks my heart a little to talk about it. I'm still in shock and denial about the whole thing, your body is supposed to protect you and your organs, not attack them...  I may make a video or blog post going further into this.

6 Months Smoke Free:
February 2015, I quit smoking. I was a smoker for almost 8 years. Yes, I did it. I didn't do it cold turkey, I used the vapor cigarette options to help me cut back slowly on cigarettes, then slowly off nicotine, and slowly to the point I didn't need anything, not even the vapor stick. I feel so proud of myself that I have gone half a year without a cigarette or cracking back into it. I know the struggle that others have gone through and are going through during the process of quitting; it's horrible and agonizing. I can definitely breathe better, my hair smells better, my clothes smell better, everything feels a lot better now that they are away from me. To anyone who is trying to quit, never give up, you will get through it and the end results are worth the agonizing process.

Taking a break from social media...
I guess I can also say, I kind took a small break not only from youtube and blogging but, from social media. I didn't update my twitter or instagram much in the past few months because I was so drained and I felt like I needed a break from it. But I'm back :)

Thank you to all of you who have stuck around my blog and beauty channel while I was gone. I love you and I am truly blessed to have each and every one of you!

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