Saturday, November 1, 2014

My Halloween Look! (Burn Victim/Beaten Victim/Bruising & Dying Flesh)

Happy Halloween, my beautifuls! I hope you all had a fun, safe and exciting night last night. I didn't go to any parties or events, I stayed home, watched some scary movies (not scary for me, haha), passed out candy, enjoyed the nice weather and went out with my boyfriend for a bit after.

I originally was trying to go for a "dead sexy girl" look or something, but then my artistic side took over and I went completely nuts with the Halloween makeup and creating a zombie/burn victim/ beaten victim/bruising and dying flesh look (a lot of people had different definitions of what I looked like last night).

This is my very first attempt at special effects and I have to tell you, I did a very good job for my first attempt! I scared so many people last night! Some were too afraid to come to me for candy, some thought it was realistic and some wanted pictures with me.

Happy Halloween! (sorry my post is a day late, I was tired after last night)

I'm definitely going to get more into special effects, do tutorials next Halloween and sharpen my skills for next year!


  1. Oh wow! Thats a great look, really impressive, especially for a first attempt!

    1. Thank you! I'm very proud of myself and impressed at how it came out. My skills artistic skills really showed with this! -happy dance-

  2. That looks amazing I wish I could do stuff like this but I just can't seem to fathom it all out haha I don't really have the time to practice either so I guess that would make the difference xox

    1. Thank you! <3 When you practice or whenever you get the chance to practice, patience, patience and patience is your best friend! It's taken me years of trial and error, failure, practicing and patience to get my skills to this and to what I can do with eye looks. Practice and patience!
